Now that you have decided to leave that crummy old job, it’s time to find ways for getting fired. Explore this write up to know how to get fired.

How To Get Fired

If you are just wondering as to what does this article has to deal with, you have read it right. Yes, this article will help you come out of your silly old peanut-paying job. You hate your job to death and want a way to move ahead. Here is a way out. Remember, there is no point staying in a job that drives you crazy and ends up giving you only pain and headaches. Now, you must be wondering why not type a resignation letter and finish off with the whole thing, rather than wait for your boss to fire you! Well, for those of you who are not bonded by any clause, a resignation letter can terminate all your worries but for the rest, reading this article will help. You get your way done, but at the hands of your boss. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? The best way to achieve this is to get to your boss’s bad side and get yourself fired. For this, you can try plugging in (instead of unplugging) the main electric receptors just before you sign out on Friday for a weekend. Or, get an ice cream to office and just as you offer your boss, scoop it all over his laptop or important papers. Another interesting idea would be to post an ad for your job and conduct interviews for your replacement right there in your office. This will surely increase your chances of getting fired. Glance through the lines below to find some more tongue-in-cheeky ways to lose your current job and getting fired.
Getting Fired
Avoid Your Clients
Whenever your clients give you a call, do not answer them. Instead, leave messages only when you know that they won’t be there to take them. Do not reply to their emails and avoid talking to them whenever you come across them in the passage. Most important of all, never have lunch with them. This way, your boss would surely get pissed off with you, what with you driving away all his clients to the competitors, thanks to your careless behavior.
Flirt With Ladies
This is exactly what is restricted in organizations. It’s your time to break the rule and take advantage of young, pretty girls and hang around with them. Flirt with them and exchange sexual banter. If someone opposes, take it as a personal challenge to make the person all the more frustrated. Do things to attract her attention or try a groping hug. Just make sure to do this when your boss is around.
Take A Long Lunch
You have just one hour to finish off your lunch and that refreshing talk with your colleagues. Not enough, huh! Extend your lunch hours catching up with an old friend and completing those personal or pending errands. Plus, make sure your extended lunch is uninformed. This would surely rub your boss at the wrong end and you can have your way out soon.
Have Drinks
Lunch is incomplete without a couple of cans of beer, right! Get into the mood and have your part of drinks to relax and retreat yourself. So what if you turn the office into a party zone afterwards. This will only increase your chances of altering your employment state.
Arrive Late
Being punctual is for wimps and not for normal human beings. While every company has its own culture, arriving 10 minutes late is no biggie to the boss. But, when it comes to meeting deadlines, punctuality cannot be ignored. Get out of bed as you like and reach office at your own sweet time only to get noticed at the hands of your boss. A sure-shot way to show that you do not respect the rules and regulations of your company and that you must be fired!
Make Personal Calls
After all, office phone and time is meant for making personal calls. When else do you find time to chit chat with your old buddies and loved ones? Be sure not to cut short these calls; extend them to your own sweet pace covering hours. And when you are asked for the same at the end of the month when the bill comes in, just say they were really important and walk off. In no time, you would be literally walking out of the job as well. 
Leave Early
Rules are made to be broken. The rule of leaving at 6 is for workaholics, not for future leaders. Leave your office premises 15 minutes early every day to have more time on making dinner for yourself and your family.
Going On Vacations
A quicker way to damage your reputation is to go on a vacation during the most crucial time. Take out some personal days during your department’s busiest days, making sure that your team does suffer because of you. Who knows this escapade could be your way of getting a permanent break away from office as well?

More in Job Resignation
