If you have a problem returning phone calls to people you would not want to talk to, then it’s time to find a solution. To know how to return a call to someone you don't want to answer, read on.

Returning A Call That You Don't Want To Answer

For various reasons, you could find yourself in a situation where you are forced to interact with people you wouldn’t want to talk to. At such times, it is common to find yourself stranded in a moral dilemma, more so when you know what they are going to ask or talk to you, but you are unsure if it is appropriate to return a call for courtesy sake and social or professional obligation. You may find it difficult to give them an honest answer or could be tired of conveying the same. No matter how many reasons you have to not call that person or organization, you may still need to call and inform them. Nevertheless, we do know that certain people are better at handling such situations than others. Such people may also be good at negotiations, conveying bad news or working for jobs that require people with a diplomatic temperament. Understanding how they are able to convey the message and get their work done, while not sounding rude or imposing can be advantageous for you at various stages in life. It is important that you are firm in your decisions and thoughts so that the person on the other end of the line cannot convince you into thinking or deciding something that you do not desire.
Returning A Call To Someone You Don’t Want To Answer
Don’t Lose Your Temper
Unwarranted aggression is a sign of weakness. We all know this fact but it is difficult to control one’s emotions in certain situations. One tends to express anger when it becomes uncontrollable to withhold thoughts to oneself. These thoughts can be expressed by facial expressions, speech or actions. In this case, you might raise your tone or even start using abusive language, but this is something you must refrain from doing as long as you are in your senses. Abusing people or being rude to them never does anyone good. The only traits that you can actually benefit from are patience and dignity.
Choice Of Words
Your words should be polite yet firm. Avoid talking more than necessary so that you don’t lead yourself into being asked undesirable questions. However, that doesn’t mean that you cut the other person short – let them speak all they want, you stick to your basic replies and try not to initiate conversation from your end.
Don’t Give In
Remember before you dial the call that the other person’s intention is to convince you to think something that you don’t want to agree on. No matter how good the proposition seems, never agree to it on the call. If that person’s ideas do seem good to you, you must tell them that you will think about it and if the ideas invoke genuine interest in you then you will call them back if you want to.
Honesty Is The Only Way Out
When you aren’t at fault, there is nothing wrong in being honest even if people find your words too direct and blunt. If you are at fault and are one of those people who would choose to lie (not recommended) just to cover your own mistake, then you need to consider what you would want to say to the other person when you return the call. If your life depends on it, then you might as well play with words or choose to stick to your opinion and save your honor. Not calling to inform the other person can sometimes have worse consequences than returning the call.
Most people do things that they would not like to do. This is because of the social obligations and etiquette. Returning a call to someone you don’t like talking to is an example of such a situation. When faced with a situation like this set your priorities right – whether you want to please others, please yourself or do the right thing!

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