Describe an elevator speech is kind of funny one for it means exactly how it sounds! An elevator speech is one that is made in a short time — basically in the time period that you stay in the elevator (sometimes called ‘lift’ by the English) on your way upto your floor. What generally happens is that you get into the elevator, smile awkwardly at the others, wait impatiently for your floor to arrive and quickly step out at your destination. But, did you know that in desperate times, or even for fun, you can use this time to impress others around you? It can be quite a big deal if the person you are approaching is your next client. The trick to good elevator speeches includes: (1) brevity; (2) scope for interaction, and (3) compelling dynamism — such that the listener can't stop listening. To make sure that your target audience doesn’t get off on the next floor — or at least not without you — you must focus on your interpersonal and communication skills. Choose your words wisely and write yourself a speech. This might take more time than expected but then perseverance is a virtue that pays well. For some more requirements on talking to complete strangers, step into the next section!
Elevator Speech Tips
The first and foremost advice for any speech giver is that you must know you are dealing with people of your kind, the same species! So there is nothing to really worry about. The only question is whether you’re being polite and saying the right thing to someone as big as a business owner or not. You have just about 30 seconds to do this!
After you have considered the above, it is time to start drafting the speech. Always focus on the end. Ask yourself: What would they answer to a question of yours? What are they supposed to do? If you want an appointment, make sure the point is sent across clearly. Take a business card at all costs!
There is almost no foolproof plan for such situations. Therefore, it is better that you craft more than one speech taking into account various situations.
Speech Outline:
An elevator speech must include: The opening sentence, the purpose and the outcome.
The Opening Sentence
Introduce yourself in about 2 sentences at the most. For example, you start by saying: “I am a portrait photographer and have been in this profession for 10 years.” This kind of statement is brief and yet informative. But, the only thing you need to be aware of is not to stop here because the other individual might just say: “So what?” Think of varied curtain raisers like funny one-liners about your occupation to catch the attention of the potential listener!
The Purpose
Next, determine a meaning to what you just said. Why are you talking to this particular individual and no one else in the elevator? Obviously, for a reason! State this purpose. For example, you could say: “I heard that you were looking for someone of my caliber for a certain photo-shoot – I can discuss a package fitting into your budget.” There are different ways to frame these particular lines, depending on the interest taken in the first sentence. If he looks bored, then perk it up a bit with an ulterior humourous motive. If not, then make the talk appear more serious.
This is the most important part and may seem discomforting in certain situations. The best way to end is: “Please take my card and call me if you need a photographer.” The person on the other end will automatically hand you his business details too. A firm handshake might also be a good way, but make sure it is confident. Throughout the entire course of this small talk, appear highly enthusiastic and positive.
Elevator speeches should be practiced before you put them in action. Always remember, that a smile is an upside down curve that can put you in the dominant position. Hope these simple tips helped you get in touch with the right people — in the right manner!