Love for the job and belongingness to the workplace are two mandatory things that motivate an employee to stick to the job and do it whole-heartedly. Appreciation and recognition are the major motivating factors that make the employees work hard and aim for the moon. Money indeed plays an important role, but a true appreciation from the superiors stands out in the race of employee motivation. Certain rewards like feting a workaholic with a day off and a sudden extended lunchtime act as appetizers for the employees. Also, to make the motivation more appealing, reward the employee as soon as the person shows the desired behavior. Bonus and commissions do help, just that they are forgotten quickly and invite jealousy from the fellow employees. Motivating your employees stimulates them to perform better and brings out the leaders in them. If you are looking for ways to motivate employees, then scroll down this article for effective tips.
Motivating Your Employees
Here are a few of the topmost effective ways to provide recognition and motivation to the employees:
Personal polite gestures go a long way in motivating the employees. Smile and say thank you for the work done and pat the employee while discussing his achievement with his peers.
Celebrate the achievements of your employees instead of just focusing on getting the work done.
Be flexible in order to show the employees that you trust them.
Offer them help with career goals. Help them cash in on opportunities and present their skills so as to build loyalty and motivation in them.
Maintain a good work environment.
Set smarter goals for your employees that are specific, measurable and realistic.
Delegate authority to the deserving employees so that they gain a practical exposure of being in-charge of a responsibility.
Always celebrate your employees’ success with a small party.
As a manager, build a motivated workforce, for it always makes for a happier, profitable and productive work culture.
Basic principles required to be followed for the motivation of employees:
Enthusiasm is highly infectious at work place. So keep yourself motivated before you motivate your employee.
As a manager, know what you want from your employees and ensure that the employees have strong inputs while identifying the goals – these goals need to be aligned with the goals of the organization.
Know your employees personally to identify what motivates each of them.
Bring it to your understanding that supporting and motivating your employees is a process and not just a mere task. It takes time.
Do not motivate employees banking solely on interpersonal relationships. Formulate various policies and procedures for motivation.
Motivation should be non-monetary in nature to make it more successful at any workplace:
On spot attention to your employees: Most managers fail to provide attention and recognition as it does not come to them naturally. Such recognition is treated as appreciation by the employees.
Honor your employees: Physically applaud the employees for their achievements at meetings or company sponsored social gatherings. This stimulates them to work harder.
Provide a one-on-one training: This may cost the employer his time but this is the best way to show your employees that you care. This training should be done in a public area as recognition and encouragement in public helps the employees to grow.
Provide job titles and designations: The bottom-line of job titles is that it makes the employee realise and connect with the organisational goals. If they know what they are expected to do, they’ll obviously do a better and more aware job.
Healthy work environment: A big, spacious, clean, picturesque and green office always brings extremely positive vibes to the employees. The employer should ensure that the office has a healthy environment for people to work.
Every employee is recognition hungry and recognizing efficiency is the best way to motivate and bring out their hidden talents. So buckle up your shoes and understand your employees before, due to lack of motivation, they decide to change their workplace.