Planning to change your current job and wondering how to go about it? Don’t worry, the following article seeks to answer all your doubts on how to change careers.

How To Change Careers

Life is a marathon and your profession is your track. Almost all of us face a curve in this race, a time when either people shift tracks in order to move further up in the race or are forced to shift due to the situation created by the rules of the race. You might get bored of processing the same files every day or might just feel like trying out a more interesting and challenging route. Whatever be the reason, this change in the race of life is almost inevitable. Your endurance and adaptability to this change or shift are the only qualities that will keep you in the race and these qualities come to people who are confident that no matter where they are, their skill-set will sustain them against all odds. Knowledge of self abilities and the confidence of accepting challenges are important in order to make a decision to change tracks in life. Following are few tips for people who intend to change careers – these tips seek to train you in recognizing and making use of your abilities and skills so that you choose the right track and get closer to your dreams and success.
Advice & Tips For Changing Careers
Assessment Of Likes And Dislikes
One of the common reasons for employees to shift careers is their dislike for the job or the company. Therefore, it is crucial for an individual to run through an assessment of one’s likes and dislikes. Make a list of what you like to do and also what you would absolutely hate doing. Sorting out your likes and dislikes can show you the right path.
Assess Your Interests, Values And Skills
It is also important for you to assess your interest areas, the skills you hold and the values you would like to abide by. You can judge these self aspects by reviewing your past successful roles – any volunteer work you did or any projects you headed – that helped bring out the skills in you.
Thorough Research
Once you are aware of your interests and passions, spend some quality time on research. Research thoroughly the types of careers that evolve around your passions. Push your uncertainty and insecurity aside and start narrowing down prospects that appeal to you.
Have A Clear Plan
The smartest way to clear the clouds of uncertainty is to lay down a clear plan of action. A detailed action plan, including aspects like finances, future scope, required qualifications and training etc, goes a long way in achieving various targets in our life.
Examine Your Qualifications
A decision to make a career change might give you the freedom to think of creative possibilities but you must not forget to keep your educational qualification in mind before taking any decision. There is no harm in trying out new avenues but first you should evaluate whether or not you are educated or hold necessary skills for a particular job profile. Also, if you over-educated then the task which seems appealing to you at the moment might just turn out to be a drab in some time. So, be careful!
Training And Education
Do not forget to include, in your plan of action, the expense on training and education required for the new portals you are willing to explore. Be open to learning and educating yourself for the requirements of the new profile. It might seem tiresome and difficult to get back to formal learning, but with patience and dedicated approach you can enjoy getting trained all over again.
Develop Your Network
It is very important for you to start nurturing professional friendships when looking at a career shift. Start building your network of professional organisations and experts in the field of your interest. This will help you seek, and then grab, the best of all opportunities.
Stepping Stones
Do not spend the gap between your previous job and the new one in leisure. Along with research and network building, indulge in some part-time workshops or internships to enhance your knowledge in your field of interest. This experience will act as a stepping stone in your quest for a new career and will place you at a good position later on in life.
Out of boredom, out of lack of interest or merely out of the need to try out challenging options – if you are planning to change your career for any of these reasons you must plan everything systematically. Steadiness is the key here!

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