Explaining difficult situations that can come up in a job interview is not easy for someone who hasn’t faced any. So, we have highlighted some difficult situations that you could prepare yourself for before a job interview!

Explain Difficult Situations In A Job Interview

An impending job interview can keep you awake the previous night and make your mind conjure up the worst possible scenarios possible like an unprofessional salary negotiation, an uninterested interviewer or maybe a nasty question that can reveal all the skeletons in your closet! But with friends like us looking out for you, you can bid adieu to the worries and sleepless nights for we have a solution just for you. Predicting difficult situations gives you an advantage for you get a chance to prepare for them. By the way, a hangover or getting late and even feeing sleepy during the interview are troubles that you invite upon yourself. Dealing with these troubles is simple; all you have to do is be responsible. Impromptu questions can be unnerving and not everybody has the ability to think on their toes so it is important to collect your thoughts, prepare yourself well in advance and just go ahead and give it your best shot. Read on for tips on dealing with sticky situations in job interviews and more.
Explaining Difficult Situations In An Interview
Bad interviewer
A bad interviewer is somebody who does not conduct the interview professionally. Be it uninterested, unfocused or even inexperienced, the interviewer beats around the bush and just does not let you speak. The situation worsens when tongue tying questions like ‘what is not there in the C.V that you would like to bring to light?’ are posed. And this is not it – a bad interviewer doesn’t let you complete an answer and tends to cross question every statement you make. With a difficult interviewer, it is very important to control your exasperation and try not to project it outwardly. Try to answer to the best of your ability and stay calm.
Difficult Questions
Every job interviewer has at least one tricky question. Don’t get stumped when faced with questions like ‘why did you leave your last job?’ and try to answer them as honestly as possible. Don’t reveal personal grudges or spill out too many beans. Remember to maintain your professional composure and dignified persona. Saying something nasty about your previous organisation only projects you as an immature and disrespectful person and this image is definitely not advantageous for you or your candidacy. Other difficult questions include, ‘let’s discuss your weaknesses’ or even, ‘how long are you planning to stay in this company?’ For questions like these, think of an answer that suits your plans appropriately before entering the interview hall.
Salary Negotiation
Salary negotiation can get tricky if you allow the prospective employer to take control at the onset. Leave the negotiation till a later stage. Mentioning a higher pay scale can make you appear ‘greedy’ or ‘high maintenance’ while quoting a lower pay can leave you dissatisfied with the job and ultimately affect your work performance! So stay balanced. When faced with a salary question in an interview, say something on the lines of "I sent my application for this position because I am interested and enthusiastic about the job profile and your company as well. I am certain that I can make a positive impact to your team but I believe discussing salary should be left until we are both sure I'm right for the job." After the interview, take time, review your performance and then decide on a range to negotiate with the employer.
Unprepared For A Situation?
Imagine this. Due to inevitable reasons like a tire puncture, meeting with an accident or losing your way to the place of interview, you land up fifteen minutes late to the interview place. This is a bad impression which you would want to avoid at all costs. But emergency situations arise and create inconveniences that are mostly out of our control. There is nothing much that we can do in these cases. In a case wherein you do not have the important documents either since your previous employee has not released them yet or due to any other unprecedented events, be honest and speak to the concerned person or the HR and explain them your problem at the earliest.

Dealing with these difficult situations proves your actual worth in the eyes of the interviewer. Keep a watch out for the above mentioned pointers and most importantly, just relax and be confident – confidence will ultimately help you come out of the interview with flying colours and maybe even a job offer letter!

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