Communication is an art with various dimensions to it; different attributes come to the fore in different scenarios. When it comes to a workplace you can’t afford to pass strict orders, as is de rigeur in an army culture. You need to follow a healthy and a friendly communicative practice in the workplace which will encourage employees to show more efficiency in their work. A good communicative skill is one which makes the objectives crystal clear and leaves no room for any misconceptions and misunderstandings. It is essential for an organisation to develop a healthy and effective communicative environment in the workplace in order to eradicate all issues and conflicts among the workers. The management should also practice effective and inclusive communication and should also make their employees develop their communicative skills, so that there are no doubts to be clarified and no issues to solve. Here are some of the tips to develop effective communication, with the benefits clearly listed to encourage you in stepping forward for the endeavour.
Benefits Of Effective Office Communication
- Good Working Relations: Effective communication at workplace helps in the establishment of good working and interpersonal relationships among co-workers, subordinates and superiors. A good conversation will develop healthy relations that will increase the productivity and efficiency of the people by reducing conflicts.
- Problem Solving: Space for a peaceful communication in workplace is essential with regards to solving misunderstandings and conflicts among the workers. There is no workplace which is free from friction of any kind. However, if there is space given to the employees to speak out their problems to fellow colleagues, seniors or the management, it will help to solve the problem and will prevent further aggravations.
- Healthy From Business Point Of View: If the management of the organisation spreads the atmosphere of good communication and communicates with their employees from time to time, it will prove out to be a healthy and beneficial practice for the organisation. Involving your employees and taking their feedback with regard to the policies, work procedures and regulations, will help them have a better knowledge of the work they do and will make it easier for them to deliver quality work.
- Building Trust: Another helpful effect that a healthy communicative practice will reap for the organisation is that they will be able to gain the trust of their employees. It is advisable to discuss and communicate every small development in the organisation to the employees. This will lay a foundation for the trust and confidence between the organisation and its employees, building a healthy relationship between the two.
Tips For Better Communication In The Workplace
- Clarity And Transparency: In order to communicate something in a proper manner, it is important that you speak out clearly so that the objectives are transparent and easily understood. Be it a warning, a rule change or a new policy introduced, everything should be conveyed clearly with all details to avoid any confusions or doubts.
- Be Well Prepared: Any communication in the workplace should be taken up with professionalism and you as an orator or the convener should be well prepared with all the minutes of details, facts and figures. It is important for you as a speaker to give out all the details in the best possible way, to avoid any misunderstanding or miscommunication. One missed detail can change the meaning of the entire conversation and can lead to a totally different action on part of the employees.
- Be Precise: A professional communication needs to be precise and exact. You are there to convey something important with regard to the organisation and the work, and you can’t afford to give out a long speech that will cover up the key point. Time is another factor that has to be taken into consideration, therefore a short, precise conversation, mail or circular is what will save time.
- Be Generic: Communication between the management and the employees, among the employees and between the senior and subordinates should be generous in nature. There is no room for pointing out fingers at each other, as this might end up in the outburst of a conflict.
- Be Assertive: There is a thin line between being assertive and ordering, both of which give out a totally different picture altogether! An official communication should be assertive, without being only directive in nature. It should be conveyed in a manner that sounds essential to follow and not as an diktat.
- Encourage Two Way Communication: A communication should give equal opportunities for both the sides to express their views. A communication between the organisation and employees should be an interactive one with exchange of questions and answers.